Dear OTTA Members,
On November 1, 2022, Darius Tandon. Nominating Committee Chair, submitted to Marya Lucas, OTTA Secretary, the list of candidates the committee selected to slate for the 2023 Board of Directors. He shared that the committee had wonderful conversations with many candidates from various areas around the neighborhood and that the committee voted to present the following slate to membership for their approval at the Annual Members meeting in January 2023. As no one filed petitions for any of the open positions, the nominated slate will be declared elected at the meeting.
Here are the in-coming Board members:
President (1-year term): Ray Clark
1st Vice President (1-year term): Aneta Tomaszkiewicz
Secretary (1-year term): Marya Lucas*
Treasurer (1-year term): Brad Neuman*
Director (3-year term): Beth Burk
Director (3-year term): Elaine Frei*
* Currently serving on the 2022 board
In order to qualify to run for the Board, a member must have joined OTTA 90 days prior to January 26, 2023, which is the date of our Annual Member’s Meeting and the Board Election.
OTTA’s Board of Directors wishes to thank Nominating Committee Chair Darius Tandon and committee members Karl Hjerpe, Claire Leman, Annette Hobbs Magier and Chris Nelson for the time they devoted to interviewing candidates and selecting the slate of worthy candidates to serve on the 2023 Board of Directors. We appreciate your efforts.