Old Town Triangle Assocation. Old Town Triangle Assocation.

2025 Gallery Application Fee

June 29, 2023

You can submit your application and upload images here.


Ella Jenkins’ 99th Birthday Celebration

Barbara Guttmann
June 2, 2023

Join us in honoring the legendary Ella Jenkins, celebrated by the DuSable Museum of African American History as a leading performer of children’s music for over fifty years and a recipient of the 2004 GRAMMY Lifetime Achievement Award. Ella has been recognized by many other prestigious arts and culture organizations and we’ll be celebrating her 99th birthday on August 6th with a community gathering in Ella Jenkins Park. 

Register here  

Donations accepted here.


Sunday, August 6th 12:30PM-2:30PM
Ella Jenkins Park
333 West Wisconsin Ave.
(Rain Location: Church of the Three Crosses, 333 West Wisconsin Ave.)
JOIN US FOR:*Musical Performances by Susan Salidor*Cake & Birthday Treats*Tree Sapling Giveaway for all Attendees*Kids Art & ActivitiesEVENT PARTNERS:
*Old Town Triangle Association  
*Tim Ferrin, Producer/Director of Ella Jenkins: We’ll Sing A Song Together