Old Town Triangle Association Old Town Triangle Association

Bastille Day Celebrations

Events throughout the greater Old Town area include painter Priya Tripathi’s opening reception at the Leslie Wolfe Gallery (2 – 4 PM), Cafe/Cabaret Cocktail Reception (4 – 6 PM)  at the Triangle Center (Menomonee & North Park), kids craft events at the Near North Library on Division, a Pet Fashion Stroll for furry family members at Burton Place, and a showing of the movie, Ratatouille at Ella Jenkins Park (Wisconsin & Sedgwick) at the end of the day. Many local businesses will offer specials to celebrate the holiday.

In 2023, the Old Town Triangle Association and Old Town Merchants & Residents Association “Twinned” with our counterparts in Montmartre. Recognizing the shared history of arts, entertainment, and local food establishments – it seemed a natural connection. With Chicago and Paris having Sister City status, we are following their lead in a more communal fashion. Without set parameters, we are able to offer different options for everyone to participate. If you have any interest, suggestions, questions about how to participate in this “Twinning” effort, feel free to join. We are always looking for ways to celebrate this unique friendship.  

You can register and donate below – we recommend $10, but any amount is welcome. Registration is not required, but greatly appreciated as it helps us make a better event for you!
